Despite the best intentions for bringing together the international wound community in Paris, it has become clear that the most prudent decision with respect to the speakers, exhibiting companies and attendees was to not proceed with the EWMA-Journées Cicatrisations Conference in Paris on 1-3 February 2022.
Last week, the EWMA and the SFFPC have announced that the Joint EWMA & Journées Cicatrisations Conference will be rescheduled to 23-25 May 2022 in Paris.
We are delighted that the EWMA 2022 conference will still take place this year. Our team is really looking forward to meeting you all during this event and to present our exciting scientific program and the latest insights on our novel debridement agent DEBRICHEM®.
Curious about our product? Contact our team at to make an appointment for an introduction during the conference.